The Rate App

BRANDING - DIgital Marketing - print Marketing - IMAGERY - Web design - SOCIAL MEDIA - Email Design - Banner ads

Project Brief

“Introducing the Rate app. Our latest app is much more than just a tool for managing your financial life. It is a first-of-its-kind wellness app designed to help you reach your goals. The app makes it incredibly simple to apply for a mortgage, a home equity line of credit (HELOC), find insurance coverage and more. But beyond that, it ties together the three essential elements of overall wellness – financial, physical and mental fitness.” (Source: Announcing our newest app,, 2023)

Design Objective

One of my biggest accomplishments during my time thus far at Guaranteed Rate was leading the consumer campaign for the launch of the new Rate App. As the largest launch in the company's history, I was thrilled to take the lead in shaping the creative aspects of the consumer-facing campaign. Working closely with the talented copywriter, Ally Manzella, we crafted a compelling seven-week series of assets to introduce the app and showcase its various features. Our responsibilities included providing creative direction and project coordination, and we led a dedicated team to bring this outstanding campaign to life.

Landing Page

Photo backdrop for the Times Square launch event:

The backdrop can be seen featured in the App Launch video. From Times Square, Guaranteed Rate Founder and CEO, Victor Ciardelli proudly announces the Rate App.

Pop-up banners for the Times Square launch event:


Made to be shared by our Loan Officers.

Social cover photo

Made to be used by our corporate channels and the loan officer channels.


Made to be shared by our Loan Officers.


Made to be shared by our Loan Officers.

Banner Ads


GR - Affordability